Computer Essentials

When: February 3 - June 5
Monday-Thursday, In-Person: 1:00 - 3:30 PM
Open Lab on Fridays, 9am - 12pm
All classes offered for FREE!!
- Computer Basics: where students learn fundamental computer skills
- Internet Basics: where students learn how to effectively and safely use the internet
- Using Email: where students learn how to use email clients to compose emails
- Windows: where students learn about special features Windows computers have in common
- Microsoft Word: where students learn about word processing
- Microsoft Excel: where students will learn how to use an Excel spreadsheet
- Microsoft PowerPoint: where students will learn about PowerPoint presentations
For more information or to register, call 651-621-6250 or email
All classes offered for FREE!!
Contact Mounds View Adult Education
Mounds View Adult Education
2574 County Hyw 10
Mounds View, MN 55112
P: 651-621-6250
For More Information
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